Wrapped in Hearts is not only committed to providing consumers with quality, affordable products that will enhance wellness, but we also are compelled to offer work opportunities that compliment one’s family schedule, ultimately helping women make some side funds or support the family altogether.
Wrapped in Hearts promotes products for beauty and wellness with a night of fun and networking, and those in attendance get nothing short of an exciting PARTY! The pandemic is behind us; however, there are many still in search of that one job that meets all the criteria of which every worker is in search: a
company that offers quality products to sell; provides a party strategy that is fun and entertaining; promotes a work schedule that encourages flexibility and autonomy; supports a consultant’s personal and professional growth; and guarantees exceptional delivery for the on-demand consumer.
Connecting with others while having fun, relaxing, building relationships, creating a vision for the future, promoting hope, and encouraging dreaming are exactly what one can expect at a Wrapped in Hearts Party! Gold is the new whatever color is currently in style, because…
You are GOLD, Baby! Pure GOLD!